How to Reach Your Goals

mental health speaker in Dallas

As the new year begins, people often set New Year Resolutions. Would it surprise you to know that within a month, most of these have been broken?

I don’t believe in setting resolutions. I believe in setting goals and creating habits in order to reach those goals.

It’s not about going from where you are now to where you want to be over night. It’s about setting your goal and then developing a very strategic daily plan on how you will get there.

The best way to reach your goals is to set SMART goals. The components of SMART goals is that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (deadline).

At the start of a new year, personal goals for many people is around getting healthy. You go to the gym, exercise or do yoga. After the first day that you go, you don’t see results. So you can either decide to keep going or to stop. If you stop, you know you won’t get healthy. Why do you go back to the gym?

You go back, because it’s not about going one time and think you’re achieving your goal. You go back, because you recognize that you may not see results the first 10, 20, or even 30 times that you go. You go back, because you know that one day you’ll look in the mirror and “all of a sudden” you see the results of all your hard work. WOW! Now that was worth it.

The same happens with professional goals, whether you want to grow your business, build relationships, or be an effective leader. It’s not about going to work one day and BOOM, in one instance you go from where you are now to living your dream career and life.

It’s about the steps you take monthly, weekly, and daily. It’s about how you’re strategically using your time to develop leads, relationships, and yourself. It’s about you recognizing the things you don’t want to do are the things you need to do right now to build your team, company, or empire. It’s about having a growth mindset to continue to flourish in different aspects of your life.

Keep your head clear, your mind focused, and your brain on track. Don’t allow yourself to play those brain games, where you second guess what you’re doing or how you will get there. Don’t let your mind wonder, “Is it even possible?” Don’t doubt who you are, what you’re doing or what you’re meant to do.

It’s easy to get sucked into that trap. Before you know it, one thought leads to another and another and you’ve convinced you’re it’s not even possible, so why are you even trying.

There are others who have done the same thing you want to do. They didn’t achieve success overnight. They didn’t become an exceptional leader in one day. They didn’t achieve their goals by wanting or hoping.

They created success habits. Set them in place, and put them in motion. Every single day. Even when they didn’t feel like it, they still did it.

Habits don’t have to be large an in your face. They can be small ones, that may seem insignificant. But those small ones can ultimately make a huge difference.

Think of an ant. It can withstand pressure up to 5,000 times its body weight. It may look insignificant, but it has massive strength and potential.

What habit may look small, but once you put it into action can have massive impact and create big results?

Doing the work you love, making a difference, and creating the life you want is all possible for you! It begins with how you wake up in the morning and how you chose to use the time in your day. Let 2019 be the year of #noexcuses!

Where do you want to be? What do you want your life to look like? What are your future goals? What business goals do you want to reach? Professional goals? Personal goals? Reaching goals doesn’t come overnight, but they will come when you consistently do the work.

Now, what habit will you implement today to perform better, lead effectively, or achieve more? It all begins with your mind and your thoughts. You have the power within to think bigger and dream higher and turn those dreams into reality. It’s up to you to use it!

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