Stop Overthinking: Create New Habits for Success

burnout speaker


burnout speakerHappy New Year, friend!

 For a couple of weeks, you might be thinking about your goals for 2024 or what you want to accomplish.

The new year brings about a sense of invigoration, energy, and motivation.

It’s as though when January begins, you can hit restart on yourself and your life.

Although it’s not about hitting the restart button, with the time off around the holidays, it does allow you to stop and pause.

What worked last year? What didn’t work?

What do you need to change or tweak so it works better?

These are questions you can apply to your personal and professional lives. Give yourself the space and grace for the answers to find their ways to you, instead of pushing to come up with the answers.

As you move throughout the year, if you find yourself thinking too much or too hard about something, remind yourself to stop and pause. In those moments, your brain starts to wonder, and in that wondering, ideas or new perspectives enter your mind that you’ve never had before.

That one idea might pave the way for another and another, which might provide answers that your heart has longed for.

When we think and analyze too much, it paralyzes us (I can be an overthinker). We consider all the ways things can go wrong or how it won’t work out, which keeps us from either delay doing it or stops us altogether.

Instead of overthinking and overanalyzing the idea or obstacle, Say Yes to it, because it’s actually an opportunity in disguise.

Something amazing waits for you on the other side of Saying Yes. That idea or challenge turned opportunity might just be the next great thing, role, job, experience you’ve ever had. But you won’t know until you Say Yes.

What are you going to Say Yes to in 2024 to help you reach a goal, mountain, or new level of greatness?

We want to help you do it, so share with us what it is, so we can be cheering you on.

PS. If you think helping people reach goals, create better habits, and increasing their performance while being inspired and having fun might be a good keynote session at your event, let’s connect 817 523 1529. Looking forward to hearing from you and how I can help your participants ROCK 2024!

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Whether you want to book Jessica to keynote speak at your event or want to continue the message through workshops, trainings, multi-session format, or her online course, let’s chat and design the program that best fits your needs.

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FREE Burnout Assessment: Reclaiming Your Life-Work Alignment

Want a life with less stress and burnout? Complete our quick assessment, and you will receive a tailored and insightful personalized report straight to your email. This report is meticulously crafted based on your unique answers, offering you specific strategies to not only prevent burnout but also empower you to overcome it if you are already suffering from it. Take the first step towards a burnout-free future.