Give yourself permission

energetic speaker in texas

energetic speaker in texasSince our business is about working with people to enhance mental health and burnout, after COVID, the business grew rapidly.

I also found myself on the road more than I was home. Then when I was home, I was exhausted. 

I knew it wasn’t sustainable for me and something had to change, which is where the 30 day trip to Europe came in. Along the trip journey, the parts of me that were leaning themselves to burnout shifted. The experience transformed my life, and you can have Say Yes Experiences of your own…and you don’t even have to leave your house.

When I tell the story of how The Say Yes Experience started (with a 30 day trip to Europe), I often hear “Wow! That’s so great that you do that for him.” Or “Your son is so lucky you did that for him.”

Allow me to explain…

I didn’t do it for him. I did it for me, and he just happened to come along for the ride.

I encourage you to do things for yourself. You deserve it, and you’re worth it.

Yes, you can bring others along for the ride. They will enjoy and appreciate it.

It’s also important to do things for yourself by yourself. This allows you time…time to be alone with your thoughts. Time to think about a challenge, what you want or an unresolved issue. Time to process a situation, conversation or experience. Time to dream of your next steps, where you see yourself, or a bigger dream.

Give yourself permission to take care of you.

Not matter what industry you’re in, the #1 thing we hear with our clients these days is how overwhelmed, stressed and burned out leaders, teams, and individuals are.

I get it. I’ve been there (we’ll leave that story for another time), and I also know the #1 solution for those is to Say Yes.

Say Yes to fun (work and fun aren’t mutually exclusive). Say Yes to family time. Say Yes to sharing your ideas. Say Yes to more sleep. Say Yes to laughter.

Say Yes to YOU!

I know, I know. You might be thinking…that sounds great, Jessica, but I don’t have time for anything these days.

You have time for the things that are a priority. So it’s time to make you a priority.

Start small. Do one thing that doesn’t take a lot of time, just a couple minutes, that lights you up and brings you joy…maybe it’s reading to your kids, playing a game, having a conversation, or going for a hike.

In order to keep being, going, and doing for tasks, projects, staff, kids, partners, and friends, you first have to take care of you.

Now is the time to Say Yes to the most important thing…YOU.

When you Say Yes to you, you become an even better version of your amazing self…so you can be a better leader, team member, friend, parent, partner or whatever roles you play.

Saying Yes to yourself will transform your life (it has for many others like you).

How will you Say Yes to YOU today?

Post a picture on social media of your Say Yes and tag us @thesayyesexperience. We want to cheer you on and encourage you to more Say Yeses.

 Our mission at The Say Yes Experience is to empower 10 million people to Say Yes. Join our movement now by replying to this email with Say Yes, and we’ll add you to our free community of other Say Yesers.


The Say Yes Experience podcast launches on Monday, May 15, 2023 everywhere you find your favorite podcast.

You can’t afford to miss the first episode, where my 10-year-old son, B, and I talk about his brilliant idea behind The Say Yes Experience, how the movement helps you, and why you want to get involved.

As always, if we can help you in any way, please reach out. We can’t wait to see how you create more Say Yes in your life.


Book Jessica

Whether you want to book Jessica to keynote speak at your event or want to continue the message through workshops, trainings, multi-session format, or her online course, let’s chat and design the program that best fits your needs.

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