Comparing Yourself

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There is still time to get it done. As the end of another year approaches, you might be comparing yourself to others who “have it all” like celebrities, the rich, or successful businessmen. You also might compare yourself from where you are now to where you thought you’d be. When you compare yourself, you’ll usually be disappointed.

There was always so much more that you should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve done. You didn’t quite measure up to it all. You told yourself you’d exercise more. You thought you’d be making more money, you’d find “the one,” or you’d take that big leap and start your own business. You pick yourself apart on all the things you didn’t get done and thought you would.

How could you not have finished it?

Why didn’t you make more money?

What’s wrong with you that you can’t just start your own business?

Why didn’t you date more?

You cut yourself down and forget all the things you get do, accomplish, and achieve. You took that much needed vacation. You started your book. You spent quality time with your family and dedicated yourself to staying present. You got clear on what type of business you want. You got on the dating site. You tried a new kind of food, attended a men’s group, or ended a bad relationship. Tweet This!

You took steps forward. You were more courageous than you give yourself credit for and braver than you were last year. You did more in this year. You felt emotions you’ve forgotten you have. You made new friends you enjoy. And you learned some valuable lessons. Maybe some you wish you hadn’t learned but are now glad you did, because they make you stronger, more resilient, and more determined.

Nothing good comes from comparing yourself to others or to yourself….to who you thought you’d be or what you thought you’d get done. You will always be disappointed, because you’re not comparing like things. When you compare yourself to someone else, you’re comparing what you see on someone’s outside to how you feel on the inside. When you compare you to yourself. You compare it to someone who you wanted to be and not who you are. You compare it to what you thought would happen and not to what really did happen.

You, my friend, have done tremendous things this year. Even if it’s not everything you wanted to do, it’s everything you could be. Because at the end of the day, you still have to take care of you. You need to make sure you’re giving to yourself in the form of love, care, and compassion. It might sound cheesy, but it’s true, because you can’t give, give, give to others, without first giving to yourself. Share This!

So for the next month, get done what you can get done. Achieve, do, accomplish what you can. Don’t beat yourself up for what you don’t get done. Don’t be hard on yourself. You’re rocking it. You’re getting done what’s important to get done. And what you don’t do, don’t worry, it will be there for you next year.
What is the one thing you want to achieve, accomplish, or before the end of the year?
Jessica Rector’s mission is simple: transform lives. With a BBA, MBA and BS, Jessica started, hosted, and produced her own TV talk show in Los Angeles with just an idea to help others which launched her first company jessICAREctor International. As someone who attempted suicide as a teen, had a lot of self-judgment around being a single parent, and has a brother who died by suicide, Jessica knows challenges, issues, and pain and how to turn them into something good. Through her own experiences, research, and strategies, she helps you break through your inner struggles and free yourself. As a thought leader, keynote speaker, and author, Jessica consults with companies, coaches individuals, and speaks at conferences, conventions, and organizations helping you change what you say to yourself about yourself to change your thoughts and actions to change your life. Jessica is a Contributor for The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project and has been seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Business Journal, and Market Watch. Get Jessica’s third book, Breaking the Silence: Taking the Sh out of Shame at Follow her on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.

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