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burnout expert

The wonderful world of parenting can lead to parental burnout

The wonderful world of parenting can lead to massive burnout. Burnout isn’t just for the workplace anymore. It’s impacting various areas of our lives and can lead to parental burnout. Yes, parenting is rewarding, and it can also be overwhelming, stressful and challenging…and all before 8:00 am and on a good day. Parental burnout is a real thing, impacting millions of lives.

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burnout expert in DFW

Burnout’s Solution Is More Than a Luxurious Warm Bubble Bath

Taking care of yourself is important. In fact, it’s vital. However, burnout will not be cured with a bubble bath or a spa, although those are nice in the moment and are essential in maintaining well-being. They aren’t enough to fully address burnout, because they are short term fixes instead of long-term solutions.

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burnout in companies

A Concrete Wall, a Trip to the ER and Burnout

I pick up the phone to a lady panting.

She finally says out of breath, “Jeeesssssica?”

I reply, “Yes. Who is this?”

She says, “The substitute nurse at the school. Sorry, I’m out of breath carrying your child. A friend pushed him into a concrete wall, and he hit his head. He couldn’t walk, so I was carrying him.”

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burnout speaker

Top Mistakes Companies Make with Burnout

When you’re wanting to retain and recruit top tier talent, they are looking for one thing more than anything else. Yes, they want to make sure they are getting paid adequately. That’s obvious. They want to make sure you offer benefits. That’s a given. But the one thing that is often overlooked by organizations that people are really looking for is

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burnout speaker

How to Identify the Current Trends in Burnout

Preventing and addressing burnout is no longer a nice to have; it’s a must have to develop growth, happiness and sustainability. Employees will continue to suffer until companies take action to really help them…until leaders understand that it’s up to them to create this change, because burnout doesn’t go away on its own and unfortunately with staff shortages, workloads and lack of time, burnout isn’t going away any time soon.

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burnout speaker

How to Dispel the Myths of Burnout

Burnout has become a pervasive issue affecting individuals across all walks of life. From the corporate world to caregiving roles, the phenomenon of burnout has gained significant attention in recent years. However, amidst the growing awareness, several myths persist, clouding our understanding of this complex condition.

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burnout speaker

What Leaders Need to do to Win the Burnout Battle

Amidst the pursuit of goals and objectives, there’s a lurking enemy that can undermine all efforts – burnout. In the burnout battle, we often find the great divide. Leaders believe that their employees aren’t being impacted by burnout or that their people have everything they need to beat it. Yet, employees are struggling in the day to day and believe

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burnout solution

The Best Long-Term Solution to Burnout and Why It’s Needed

There’s a new platform that’s here to help you prevent burnout, reach your potential and become the company people don’t want to leave. It’s called VitalizeUnlimited. Through our conversations with leaders and employees, I realized there isn’t enough being done to prevent and beat burnout, and people needed more help, resources, and access. I needed to do something bolder to disrupt this.

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speaker for burned out employees

How To Break a Silent Culture Around Burnout

Although its prevalent, many leaders fail to openly address and discuss the topic of burnout within their teams. This lack of communication around burnout can lead to the creation of a culture of silence within the organization, with detrimental effects on employee well-being, productivity, and the overall company culture.

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Burnout Assessment: How Burned Out Are You?

Want a life with less stress and burnout? We get it, which is why we developed this quick assessment just for you. Complete it and receive a personalized report, with specific strategies to prevent and beat burnout for yourself and within your organization, straight to your email. Take the first step towards a burnout-free future.