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burnout speaker

The Hidden Burnout Triggers Costing Your Company Millions

Picture this: Your top performer, Sarah, just handed in her resignation. She was the third this month. Exit interviews reveal a common thread: burnout. You’re not alone. According to Gallup, 76% of employees experience burnout at least sometimes, and 28% say they’re burned out “very often” or “always” at work.

But here’s what most leaders miss: Burnout isn’t just about long hours or heavy workloads. It’s a complex

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FREE Burnout Assessment: Reclaiming Your Life-Work Alignment

Want a life with less stress and burnout? Complete our quick assessment, and you will receive a tailored and insightful personalized report straight to your email. This report is meticulously crafted based on your unique answers, offering you specific strategies to not only prevent burnout but also empower you to overcome it if you are already suffering from it. Take the first step towards a burnout-free future.